Callused Skin - All You Need To Know!


Have you ever wondered what callused skin is? Do you have it and don't even know it? If you're unsure what it is or want to learn more about this condition, read on. I'll give you all the mandatory information you need about callused skin, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Knowledge is power, so read on and empower yourself!

What is callused skin and what causes it?

Calluses are an area of thick, hardened skin that develops in response to repeated friction or pressure. They can occur on any part of the body, but they are most common on the hands, feet, and elbows.

The skin undergoes a natural toughening process to protect itself from further damage. However, when this process occurs excessively, it can lead to the formation of calluses. While they are not usually painful, they can be unsightly and uncomfortable. In severe cases, calluses can crack and bleed.

Calluses are not usually tender, but they can be unsightly and uncomfortable. While they are often a nuisance, calluses serve an essential purpose. By protecting the underlying tissue from further damage, calluses help to heal and repair the skin.

Many factors contribute to the development of calluses on the skin. One of these is inherited tendency. If your parents or grandparents had calluses, you might also be more likely to develop them. Calluses are most likely to develop on areas of the skin that experience repeated friction or pressure. For example, if you frequently wear ill-fitting shoes, you may develop calluses on your feet. Likewise, if you play many sports, you may develop calluses on your hands.

Wearing ill-fitting shoes and socks is a common cause of calluses, as the tight fit puts extra pressure on the skin. Additionally, shoes that rub against the skin can create friction, leading to calluses. To prevent calluses from forming, choosing shoes that fit well and are comfortable is essential. Socks should also be loose-fitting to avoid putting extra pressure on the feet.

How to identify if you have callused skin 

Calluses typically develop over some time and may be either dry or moist. Dry calluses are usually small and firm, while moist calluses are more significant and softer. Symptoms of a callus include increased skin thickness, pain, and tenderness. If the callus is located over a bony area, it may also irritate when applying pressure. In severe cases, calluses can lead to ulceration or infection. You must see your doctor for an evaluation if you think you may have a callus.

The different types of callused skin

There are three main types of calluses: superficial, intermediate, and deep. Superficial calluses are the most common type and typically develop in response to minor injury or friction. Intermediate calluses are more significant and more profound than external calluses. They often form in response to repeated injury or pressure. Deep calluses are the most prominent and profound type of callus and can be very painful. They usually occur in response to severe injury or pressure and can require medical treatment to resolve.

Treatment options for callused skin

Treatment depends on the severity of the callus and the underlying cause.


Your doctor may prescribe a cream or ointment to help soften your callus. They may also recommend over-the-counter options. These include:

  • Salicylic acid - This ingredient helps break down dead skin cells. It's available as a cream, gel, or patch. You can also find it in some medicated plasters and pads.
  • Urea - This is a compound that's naturally found in your body. It helps break down dead skin cells and keeps your skin hydrated. Urea is available in creams, lotions, and ointments.


In some cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove a callus. This is usually only done if other treatments haven't worked or the callus is large and painful.

Natural home remedies

Several natural options may help soften a callus and make it less painful. These include:

  • Soaking your feet in warm water - This can help hydrate the skin and reduce inflammation. Add 1 cup of Epsom salt to a tub of warm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes. Do this once a day until the callus softens.
  • Applying petroleum jelly - This can help keep your skin moisturized and prevent the callus from worsening. Apply a generous amount of petroleum jelly to the callus before bed and cover it with a sock. In the morning, wash your feet with warm water and gently rub the callus with a pumice stone.
  • Ghee - Just like petroleum jelly, you could also use ghee.
  • Using a vinegar soak - Soaking your feet in vinegar can help break down dead skin cells—mix 1 part vinegar with two parts warm water. Soak your feet for 20 minutes, then scrub the callus with a pumice stone. Do this once a day until the callus softens.

How do you prevent callused skin?

There are a few simple things that you can do to help prevent calluses from forming. Wear gloves or protective footwear when engaging in activities that put pressure on the hands or feet. This will help to reduce friction and minimize the risk of calluses developing. You should also avoid using harsh soaps or scrubbing the skin too vigorously, as this can lead to calluses. Finally, regularly moisturizing the hands and feet can help to keep the skin supple and less likely to form calluses. Following these simple tips can help keep your skin healthy and free of calluses.

Our Products – Safest of all!

Solvblem has a complete line of products specifically formulated to soothe and protect your feet. Our Foot Mousse is perfect for those with cracked heels or dry, flaky skin. It's enriched with 25% Urea, avocado oil and evening primrose oil to moisturize and soften even the roughest skin. And our Daily Maintenance Formula is perfect for keeping your feet soft and healthy all winter. So don't wait any longer. Try Solvblem today and see the difference!

For the cracked heel formula, apply liberally to clean, dry skin. Gently massage into heels and around problem areas until fully absorbed. Repeat 2-3 times per day or as needed.

Apply a small amount to clean, dry skin for the daily maintenance formula. Gently massage into your feet until fully absorbed. Repeat once daily or as needed.


  1. Hashmi, F., Nester, C. J., Wright, C. R. F., & Lam, S. (2016). The evaluation of three treatments for plantar callus: a three-armed randomised, comparative trial using biophysical outcome measures. Trials, 17(1).
  2. Kim, S. H., Kim, S., Choi, H. I., Choi, Y. J., Lee, Y. S., Sohn, K. C., Lee, Y., Kim, C. D., Yoon, T. J., Lee, J. H., & Lee, Y. H. (2010). Callus formation is associated with hyperproliferation and incomplete differentiation of keratinocytes, and increased expression of adhesion molecules.British Journal of Dermatology,163(3), 495–501.
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